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  • Kuva Farming Tips
  • Ways To Earn Kuva Without Farming
  • Beginner Kuva Farm: Kuva Floods And Arbitrations
  • Daily Kuva Farm: Steel Path Incursions
  • The Best Kuva Farm: Endless Steel Path Kuva Fissures

A crucial endgame resource in Warframe is Kuva, a material used for crafting certain weapons and rerolling Riven Mods. If you're looking to obtain the perfect Riven Mod for your weapon, you're going to need hundreds of thousands of Kuva to reroll it enough times.

Thankfully, there are more ways of earning Kuva than ever before. Weekly Kuva bundles, Steel Path, and Requiem Relics are just a few ways you can get your hands on this highly sought-after resource. Here is a complete guide to farming Kuva in Warframe, including some Kuva farming tips and a breakdown of the best Kuva farm available.

Kuva Farming Tips

Warframe Wisp and Kavat

As with all resources in Warframe, Kuva is something you'll want to min-max if you plan to farm this resource for extended periods. Before we suggest specific Kuva farms, we'll give some general tips to maximize your Kuva earnings.

Ways To Increase Kuva Earnings

  • Use Resource Boosters: Resource boosters affect Kuva drops, and it also affects Steel Essence and Vitus Essence drops—two resources you can exchange for Kuva.
    • Resource boosters do not affect Kuva bundles purchased from vendors.
  • Bring a Smeeta Kavat: The Smeeta's Charm buff can double resource drops for 120 seconds, stacking multiplicatively with other resource buffs. Charm can also stack on itself if you're lucky to get consecutive procs.
  • Endless Kuva Fortress Fissures: Certain Kuva Fortress endless missions grant Kuva from completing mission objectives. Endless missions grant a resource buff that stacks over time, affecting these Kuva gains.

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Ways To Earn Kuva Without Farming

Warframe Yonta Weekly Offerings

A surprising number of passive Kuva sources are available to players. Quite a few vendors sell bundles of Kuva for various currencies, ranging from Nightwave Creds to Steel Essence. All Kuva bundles you can purchase are listed below.

Redeemable Kuva Bundles
Source Kuva Amount Cost
Teshin (Relay) 10,000 Kuva 15 Steel Essence
Arbiters of Hexis (Relay) 10,000 Kuva 25 Vitus Essence
Nightwave 10,000 Kuva 50 Nightwave Creds
One-Time Kuva Bundles
Yonta (Zariman) 35,000 Kuva 5 Voidplume Pinion
Palladino (Iron Wake) 35,000 Kuva 10 Riven Slivers
Teshin (Relay) 50,000 Kuva 55 Steel Essence
Daily Tribute (Evergreen Rotation B) 50,000 Kuva N/A

Kuva bundles are sold by Teshin and the Arbiters of Hexis at various Relays, allowing you to exchange Steel Essence or Vitus Essence for Kuva. Nora Night also allows you to convert Nightwave Creds into Kuva through the Nightwave shop. These bundles have no exchange limits.

One-Time Kuva bundles give more Kuva than redeemable packages, yet they're restricted in some form.

  • Yonta and Palladino sell 35,000 Kuva bundles that can be purchased once per week.
  • Teshin's Steel Path shop can occasionally sell a bundle of 50,000 Kuva for 55 Steel Essence.
    • Visit the Warframe Wiki to view Teshin's weekly shop rotation.
  • Daily Tribute—Warframe's log-in reward system—gives endgame rewards every 50 days upon reaching 1,000 cumulative days.
    • A 50,000 Kuva bundle becomes available once every 100 days.

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Beginner Kuva Farm: Kuva Floods And Arbitrations

Warframe Arbitrations
  • Kuva Earnings: ~10,000 per hour

We're bundling Kuva Floods and Arbitrations into the same category since their average Kuva payouts are about the same—Arbitrations potentially giving more if you bring loot Warframes and have drop chance buffs. If you just finished "The War Within" and need Kuva, complete the hourly Kuva Flood. This node gives 1,200 Kuva when completed—2,400 with a Resource Booster. That's not much, but these missions are quite short.

If you need more Kuva, you have two options: Kuva Siphons and Arbitrations. Kuva Siphons are only worth running if you have a Booster, and even then the Kuva payout isn't great. 1,200 Kuva per Siphon is what you can expect with a booster. Clear all Siphons, and you're looking at about 8,400 Kuva in an hour.

Arbitrations can be hit or miss. You're aiming to kill as many Arbitration Drones as possible to earn Vitus Essence, a currency you can exchange for Kuva. You'll need 25 Vitus Essence for 10,000 Kuva, so it's highly recommended you have a Resource and Resource Drop Chance Booster active. You should be able to get 25 Vitus Essence in an hour without any boosters, and booster users should get closer to 50. Turn in the Vitus Essence for Kuva, and you're looking at 10,000-20,000 Kuva per hour.

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Daily Kuva Farm: Steel Path Incursions

Warframe Steel Path Incursion Daily Missions
  • Kuva Earnings: 20,000 in one hour

Upon unlocking the Steel Path, you'll gain access to five daily missions called Steel Path Incursions, accessible from the Star Chart while Steel Path is active. These missions are quite short, don't require node access to participate, and they grant five Steel Essence per clear. Five Incursions are active each day, so you're looking at 25 Steel Essence per day.

That's five short of two Kuva bundles from Teshin, but you can make up the difference by killing Acolytes. If your Steel Path Incursion takes five minutes to complete, an Acolyte will spawn near you. Defeat the Acolyte to get your hands on two Steel Essence, increased to four if a Resource Booster is active. So long as you kill two or three Acolytes each day, you're looking at 20,000 Kuva for an hours worth of playtime.

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The Best Kuva Farm: Endless Steel Path Kuva Fissures

Warframe Kuva Guardians In The Kuva Fortress
  • Kuva Earnings: 50,000+ per hour

Steel Path Fissure missions were added in the Veilbreaker update, and they are absurdly good for farming resources of all types—not just Kuva. This strategy asks you to run a Requiem Fissure on Taveuni or Tamu, Kuva Fortress while Steel Path is enabled. You'll need a good team or a perfect loadout to survive for long periods, but you're effectively getting your Kuva from four different sources:

  1. The Mission Itself: Kuva Survival drops 200 Kuva for each Life Support Capsule you convert and defend. Disruptors drop 100 Kuva when slain.
  2. Requiem Relics: Each wave, you'll open a Relic that has a high chance of dropping 1,200 Kuva.
  3. Steel Essence: Each Relic opened grants +1 Steel Essence, and Acolytes drop +2 Steel Essence.
    1. Acolyte drops are affected by Resource Boosters.
  4. Endless Boosts: Resource drops are increased in 25% intervals throughout the endurance run. This can cap out at double drops, stacking multiplicatively with Resource Boosters.
    1. This affects Kuva dropped by enemies and Steel Essence dropped by Acolytes.

You are quadruple-dipping on rewards here, but you'll need to have a loadout capable of handling Steel Path Grineer at levels 200+. That's a tall order, but the rewards are more than worth it.

Reward Breakdown

Warframe Steel Path Teshin's Shop

Let's assume you're running Telvani, the Kuva Survival node on the Kuva Fortress. With a Resource Booster active and no Smeeta Kavat or endless resource buffs, you're looking at:

  • 4,800 Kuva from converted capsules (assuming 12 capsules per hour)
    • You can hypothetically do 40 capsules per hour, so this is a very conservative estimate.
  • 9,600 Kuva from 8/12 Requiem Relics you open
  • 12 Steel Essence from opening Relics
  • 48 Steel Essence from slain Acolytes (12 kills per hour)

That's 14,400 Kuva in raw drops and enough Steel Essence to buy 40,000 Kuva from Teshin, giving you over 50,000 Kuva in a single hour. If you can survive long enough to trigger the endless Resource Booster, you're looking at even more Kuva and Steel Essence drops. Smeeta Kavat buffs can push this even further. No other farm in Warframe comes remotely close to giving you this much Kuva, but you're going to need a good squad and min-maxed builds to do this comfortably. Get a team together before giving this a try.

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